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This online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course is 100% free, created by a fully certified MBSR instructor, and is based on the program founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. More than 7,000 graduates from 100 countries have completed all the course requirements.
Developed by: This guide was updated with permission for online use from "A Patient’s Guide to Total Knee Replacement Outpatient Surgery" developed by the Total Joint Assessment Clinic staff for patients at the Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services (NLHS).
Summary: This interactive guide contains detailed information to help patients prepare for and recover from their Total Knee Replacement Surgery. Divided in 8 modules, the information provided includes:
Click "Go to Resource" to access this interactive guide.
Note: You will need a Power Over Pain Portal account to access this guide. If you would like an electronic copy of the NLHS original guide, click on the image below.
Developed by: This guide was updated with permission for online use from "A Patient’s Guide to Total Hip Replacement Surgery" developed by the Total Joint Assessment Clinic staff for patients at the Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services (NLHS).
Summary: This interactive guide contains detailed information to help patients prepare for and recover from their Total Hip Replacement Surgery. Divided in 8 modules, the information provided includes:
Developed by: The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA).
Summary: Well Central is an accessible and completely free virtual Recovery College. Well Central offers interactive courses that empower individuals to take control of their mental health and well-being. Well Central offers a tailored online journey providing support, resources and guided courses, valuing each visitor’s unique experience. Courses include:
Developed by: The Centre for Addictions and Mental Health (CAMH).
Summary: It all starts with knowledge. The Centre for Addictions and Mental Health (CAMH) provides a series of free online tutorials as a starting point for learning about mental health. You can find tutorials on several topics related to mental health, addiction, and depression.
Note: Some of these tutorials will require the creation of a free account on CAMH course site.
Developed by: The Transitional Pain Service at the Toronto General Hospital.
Summary: The effective treatment of ongoing pain involves a combination of approaches that focus on the body and mind. This self-directed learning course aims to better prepare patients for transitional pain care or pain after surgery. Access this 7-module course to learn how psychological techniques and strategies can help in managing pain. This course also includes information and resources to help you prepare for an appointment with a pain psychologist at a transitional pain clinic near you.
Summary: Research studies show that learning more about how pain works helps people cope better and manage their own pain. This self-directed learning course aims to better prepare patients for transitional pain care or pain after surgery. Access this 7-module course to learn about pain after surgery, how it can become chronic and how to manage it.
Developed by: eCentreClinic at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia.
Summary: The Pain Course is a free, online and internet-delivered pain management program, designed to provide information and teach practical skills for managing the impact of chronic pain on day-to-day activities and emotional wellbeing.
Note: A Power Over Pain Portal account is required to partake in the course.
Developed by: Dr. Rosemary Wilson, NP, PhD from Queen's University and Dr. Rachael Bosma, PhD from Women's College Hospital in Toronto, and co-designed with people with lived experience.
Summary: Gain control over your life and participate in the things that are important to you. This course provides you with tools to be an active participant in your pain management. Key concepts and terms coverved include:
Developed by: A multidisciplinary group of researchers and clinicians along with people with lived experience led by Dr. Brigitte Sabourin and Dr. Renée El-Gabalawy at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and funded by the Health Science Centre (HSC) Foundation.
Summary: The IMPACT program is based on the scientifically proven approach called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for chronic pain. There have been over 100 randomized controlled trials supporting the many benefits of ACT for chronic pain including improved mental health, better quality of life, lower disability related to pain, higher self-efficacy and decreased fear of being active.
By completing the IMPACT program,
Developed by: Pain BC and Pain Canada in partnership with people living with pain and healthcare providers.
Summary: LivePlanBe+ offers 23 educational modules on key elements of chronic pain management.
Note: You will need to create an account on LivePlanBe+ to access the modules.